Decision Ministries International
We are a ministry of Christian believers!
John 13:35 “By this, all men will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another.”
Fred & Irene Hughes – Founders
This ministry is 501c3 tax exempt organization.

Fred Hughes
Fred & Irene are able ministers of the Word...
A Master Photographer and Minister of the Gosple, Fred has a deep love for the Word of God and loves to flow in the spiritual gifts. He has a heart for the nations and a desire to reach people through every media and platform opportunity.

Irene Hughes
Awesome woman of God! You only have to make it into the same room where Irene is and you are going to know her before you leave! Gifted and beautiful inside and out! Irene is an awesome teacher and full of Godly wisdom. Propheticly anointed to minister healing and freedom to all.
For years this dynamic couple have been involved in many areas of ministry and involved in the secular world of business and education. They have a prophetic style of ministry and coaching.
What we believe